Quick! Get Your Vacherin Before It’s Too Late…

Attention all cheese lovers! We must remind you that the Vacherin Mont D’Or season is coming to a close and for those that haven’t enjoyed its amazing alpine taste we say: don’t put off ‘til Autumn what you can eat today!
Vacherin du Mont d’Or has AOC status so can only be made by certain producers under strict rules between August, when the cows are ushered back from their Edelweiss-covered mountain pastures (ah bless…) and 31st March so act now and buy as many as you can before you regret it!
Vacherin is a “quality controlled” food. This means that the way it is made and the farms that it is made in are heavily monitored to avoid technological and biological problems. Since the 1980s the Vacherin Mont-d’Or Centre and the Institute of Milk Research at Liebenfeld has led the way with the introduction of Thermised Milk. Thermisation is a very gentle process which allows the milk to retain all its natural qualities while ensuring its bacteriological safety and its superb dreamy texture and taste.
Vacherin Mont D’Or is best served straight from the oven so check out the perfect method by visiting the Recipe Book and enjoy the optimum taste experience – and of course, all the other great recipes. Vacherin is a great starter but just as good on a board – why not try and find some perfect accompanying masterpieces by visiting it’s dedicated page here.